February 11, 2013

DataTables Pagination with Twitter Bootstrap

Posted on February 11, 2013  •  3 minutes  • 499 words

As a developer who likes to spend more time with beautiful object-oriented code rather than mark-up, DataTables is a wonderful tool for me, with a growing list of extendable features.

DataTables operates on the principle of progressive enhancement, whereby an enhanced and interactive table will be presented to the end user if their browser has the required capabilities.

One plug-in that I found will allow your browser to render the default pagination with tags that are designed to work with the popular responsive grid framework: Twitter Bootstrap.

DataTables Pagination with Twitter Bootstrap Design Inteegration
<!-- more information at: -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  /* API method to get paging information */
  $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnPagingInfo = function ( oSettings )
      return {
          "iStart":         oSettings._iDisplayStart,
          "iEnd":           oSettings.fnDisplayEnd(),
          "iLength":        oSettings._iDisplayLength,
          "iTotal":         oSettings.fnRecordsTotal(),
          "iFilteredTotal": oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay(),
          "iPage":          oSettings._iDisplayLength === -1 ?
              0 : Math.ceil( oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength ),
          "iTotalPages":    oSettings._iDisplayLength === -1 ?
              0 : Math.ceil( oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() / oSettings._iDisplayLength )

  /* Bootstrap style pagination control */
  $.extend( $.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination, {
      "bootstrap": {
          "fnInit": function( oSettings, nPaging, fnDraw ) {
              var oLang = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate;
              var fnClickHandler = function ( e ) {
                  if ( oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, ) {
                      fnDraw( oSettings );

                      '<li class="prev disabled"><a href="#">&larr; '+oLang.sPrevious+'</a></li>'+
                      '<li class="next disabled"><a href="#">'+oLang.sNext+' &rarr; </a></li>'+
              var els = $('a', nPaging);
              $(els[0]).bind( 'click.DT', { action: "previous" }, fnClickHandler );
              $(els[1]).bind( 'click.DT', { action: "next" }, fnClickHandler );

          "fnUpdate": function ( oSettings, fnDraw ) {
              var iListLength = 5;
              var oPaging = oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo();
              var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p;
              var i, j, sClass, iStart, iEnd, iHalf=Math.floor(iListLength/2);

              if ( oPaging.iTotalPages < iListLength) {
                  iStart = 1;
                  iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages;
              else if ( oPaging.iPage <= iHalf ) {
                  iStart = 1;
                  iEnd = iListLength;
              } else if ( oPaging.iPage >= (oPaging.iTotalPages-iHalf) ) {
                  iStart = oPaging.iTotalPages - iListLength + 1;
                  iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages;
              } else {
                  iStart = oPaging.iPage - iHalf + 1;
                  iEnd = iStart + iListLength - 1;

              for ( i=0, iLen=an.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) {
                  // Remove the middle elements
                  $('li:gt(0)', an[i]).filter(':not(:last)').remove();

                  // Add the new list items and their event handlers
                  for ( j=iStart ; j<=iEnd ; j++ ) {
                      sClass = (j==oPaging.iPage+1) ? 'class="active"' : '';
                      $('<li '+sClass+'><a href="#">'+j+'</a></li>')
                          .insertBefore( $('li:last', an[i])[0] )
                          .bind('click', function (e) {
                              oSettings._iDisplayStart = (parseInt($('a', this).text(),10)-1) * oPaging.iLength;
                              fnDraw( oSettings );
                          } );

                  // Add / remove disabled classes from the static elements
                  if ( oPaging.iPage === 0 ) {
                      $('li:first', an[i]).addClass('disabled');
                  } else {
                      $('li:first', an[i]).removeClass('disabled');

                  if ( oPaging.iPage === oPaging.iTotalPages-1 || oPaging.iTotalPages === 0 ) {
                      $('li:last', an[i]).addClass('disabled');
                  } else {
                      $('li:last', an[i]).removeClass('disabled');
  } );

  var oTable = $('.data-table').dataTable({
    "iDisplayStart": 10,
    "aLengthMenu": [[10, 50, 100, -1], [10, 50, 100, 'All']],
    "sPaginationType": "bootstrap"

Now, just set up your table with a class of data-table and you’ll have a paginated controller that comfortably fits the rest of the application’s design flow.

DataTables, is an open source project. You can fork its code by clicking here.

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I work on web & mobile application development, data integration, and AI.